Be sure you give yourself enough time to receive your card before you arrive for your hunt.
Other Recommendations
Hunters with special needs or disabilities please let us know about it before you get into camp so we can make the necessary arrangements (e.g. special diet, mobility restrictions, etc..)
We recommend that you bring a low-power riflescope (that has a low power setting somewhere between 1 and 4 as most shots are very close).
Personal Items For Your Hunt
Archery hunters should shoot about (50-75 pound bow) along with 2 dozen arrows and at least 1 inch broad heads.
Medium weight sleeping bag with pillow
Your choice of clothing (nice warm jacket, warm socks, and warm sweaters, along with some lighter wear).
One pair of hiking boots, and shoes for around camp.
Wool socks and several pairs of regular socks
2 pairs of warm underwear and several pairs or regular underwear
Good raincoat and pants
A good knife --flashlight--lighter or matches---water bottle---alarm clock
a good camera or video camera with spare batteries