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North America Trophy Big Game Hunting Consultant

North America Trophy Big Game Hunting Consultant

ANY ANIMAL YOU'RE AFTER call us at 1-780-621-7989 or email us at pat_470@hotmail.com

North America big game hunting can be the most rewarding experience you can ever have weather your in the NWT mountains or the high peaks of the Yukon the prairies of Wyoming or the beauty of Montana , from the vast variety of animals you can hunt all 29 animals will put a smile on your face.

Bighorn Sheep Hunts - Alberta

Bighorn Sheep Hunts - Alberta

We have lived in Alberta our whole life and have harvested many rams, We know what it takes to be successful on a bighorn sheep hunt. Definitely the hardest of the 4 north American rams to harvest as they live in extremely remote wooded areas , they have eyes like an eagle and seem to be able to sense danger from miles away.

Your hunt begins by riding horses into certain areas here in Alberta. Once you have arrived at your base camp, You will relax and get settled in for the day. for the next 14 days you will ride horses to strategic glassing areas where many hours are spent in one spot locating mature rams.

Hunting bighorn sheep takes extreme patience and determination.

Being in great physical shape is a must if you’re in search of these rams as practically every day you will be hiking. These are typically backpack hunts once the rams are spotted, An old heavy Bighorn ram is considered to be the pinnacle of sheep hunting.

Desert Sheep Hunts - Mexico

Desert Sheep Hunts - Mexico

Personally Assisted Desert sheep call Pat at 1-780-621-7989 or email pat_470@hotmail.com

Mexico and desert sheep go hand in hand, Sonora has been a great place for us to operate in for the last 15 years as many clients have achieved there grand slams with a desert sheep with us. Usually in the past the deserts sheep was always the last of the 4 rams that we would all harvest but with the rising cost of the Stone Sheep and Bighorn the Desert Sheep is actually the second ram people harvest for there grand slam of sheep as our tags are guaranteed and free range. There is a very good abundance of rams in Sonora now.

This is a very enjoyable hunt coming back to the ranch house to a home cooked meal and soft bed every night after glassing and stalking these majestic rams, Rams can be harvested in the 160-175-inch range with a guaranteed opportunity at a mature ram. 

Once we land in Hermosillo we will get you to base camp by vehicle and access the areas by cut roads through the cactus then the final stalk will be by foot. It is a great hunt to experience Mexico in search of a big old ram. I personally accompany all our hunters on these hunts so there is never any problems or confusion, I speak Spanish, so communication isn’t a problem either, make sure to call me as I only work with the best outfitters in Sonora and I have a great reputation on these hunts and in Sonora.

Carmen Island ---Tiburon Island ---Mainland Hunts are the 3 principle hunting areas in Mexico. We have harvested many rams in each hunt and have the best outfitters in Mexico,  I personally assist on every hunt in Mexico with my clients so there is never any mistakes made. 

Price varies a little on each hunt so contact us for which hunt would suit you best.

Dall Sheep

Terry 2019 Dall Sheep

Dall Sheep Hunts

DALL SHEEP 1-780-621-7989 or email pat_470@hotmail.com

The Northwest Territories and Yukon is where we offer most of our Dall sheep hunts. The hunts begins in the Yukon on July 15 and the North West Territories on July 1.

  Helicopter and super cub hunts are offered, once the chopper or airplane has positioned you in your areas you will set up a backpack tent camp and from there backpack up the mountains.  These northern areas are so big that you simply cannot hunt all the areas, so rams are able to achieve old ages and grow big horns, an 8-year-old ram or full curl is usually a rule, but a huge old heavy broomed off ram is a ram of lifetime also.

The Dall sheep are an easy animal to spot as they are pure white but being in good physical shape for stalking and hiking is a must on these sheep hunts, you also will be able to combo up your sheep hunts with Mountain Caribou, Wolf, Grizzly and Moose if you want. 

The Dall sheep is usually the first ram to be hunted for the grand slam of sheep, we have been super successful with all our clients for years on these hunts so give us a call as we only work with the best outfitters in the business on these hunts.

Stone Sheep - British Columbia

Stone Sheep Hunts - British Columbia

Stone sheep live in British Columbia, all stone sheep hunts are deep in the Mountains of British Columbia, so the use of horses is a must, British Columbia is the only province in the world to hunt a stone sheep so the pressure on these rams is high and that’s why booking with the proper outfitter and area is a must. We have teamed up with 4 of the very best outfitters in British Columbia and are extremely happy with the success on our hunts. You will only be able to harvest a full curl ram, or an 8-year-old ram.

Hunting begins in August and runs through September and sometimes first week of October but by then the weather can play a huge factor in the hunt, but this is when the pre-rut begins, and rams show up that have never been seen before.

Sometimes we move camp numerous times on these hunts to find the biggest oldest rams we can find, in 14 days your will see a lot of country and have a hunt of a lifetime for what I consider the most gorgeous ram of all 4. The dark blue color or salt and pepper rams just catch your eye and are the most majestic ram in my opinion, these tags are super limited and not easy to come by , usually sold out years in advance so if stone sheep is a ram you want to pursue contact us and we will get your set up right away for a hunt of a lifetime.

Rocky Mountain Goat Hunts

Rocky Mountain Goat Hunts

Call for your Mountain Goat experience 1-780-621-7989

The rocky mountain Billy goat that makes its home in British Columbia is one of the most beautiful animals you can ever have the pleasure of pursuing, they live high up in the alpine on top of cliffs and in deep bowls, there pure white coat makes them an easier to locate but that doesn’t mean they are easy to hunt. The Billie’s are smart and have eyes like an eagle so being in great shape to climb up the mountain after them is a must.

Mountain goat hunts start in  September, October and November and will be for 10 days. 

Using logging roads or lakes to access remote areas is how we find the Billie's and then we will backpack up for the final stalk.  Harvesting a true mountain Billy is ranked as one of the most rewarding adventures the mountains have to offer.

Antelope Hunts - Wyoming

Antelope Hunts - Wyoming

The antelope or pronghorn are found in Alberta and all through the united states, running in huge herds the antelope is a very inexpensive hunt and can be combined with a big group or family to enjoy, basically a 2-3 day hunt is all you will need to harvest a good antelope, Arizona or new Mexico or Alberta is a great spot to hunt these animals, If your looking for a good antelope hunt look no further as we will hook you up with some of the best in the business for antelope.

Whitetail Deer Hunts - Alberta

Whitetail Deer Hunts - Alberta

We hold some of the most sought after whitetail deer hunting tags in all of the province, 1/2 hour south of the famous bow zone in Edmonton. You will be hunting whitetails in November when the deer rut is in full swing. This area holds a huge amount of whitetail deer giving you a great chance at a buck 150 or bigger.

 You will get a close and personal hunt when you book your Alberta whitetail deer hunting trip with us. 

Read More on our Whitetail Hunts

Mule Deer Hunts - Alberta

Mule Deer Hunts - Alberta

These Mule Deer are the biggest of the 5 species of deer and can weigh up to 250 pounds, and score in the 180-200-inch Boone and crocket range.

Glassing fields and sitting in ground blinds  is the best method to hunting mule deer, having big wide long tines, drop tines and non-typical racks makes for a hunt and adventure for any hunter.

Once you book you first mule deer hunt with us usually you will reserve your spot for year after year. Alberta mule deer hunts are half the price of a Sonora hunt but are also hunted in November when the rut is in full swing.

Read More on our Mule Deer Hunts

Coues Deer Hunts - Mexico

Coues Deer Hunts - Mexico

Coues deer are found in a variety of states but specially in Mexico, they are considered by many to be the ghosts of the desert as in an instance they can just vanish in the cactus and choy bush. They are the smallest of the 5 species of deer and are challenging animals to harvest. The best time to hunt the Coues deer is in January when the rut is on. So, it’s a perfect way to escape the winter and head to Mexico in search of the elusive Coues deer.

We use high racks  in Mexico so you can get high enough above the bush to see the deer. High rising hills are also a great way to hunt the Coues and locate them, You will spend many hours of sitting and glassing for them on these trips.

These 5-day hunts Usually we stay in ranch houses or and can be combined with mule deer or desert sheep.

Mountain Caribou Hunts

Tim Mountain Caribou

Mountain Caribou Hunts


Our mountain caribou hunts are ran through 7 of the best outfitters in the  NWT and Yukon.

 Usually the mountain caribou is combo up with a sheep, or moose hunt on trophy fee but can be hunted as a single animal also. These are 10-day hunts

The heavy horned big bodied bulls usually are in herds with a couple bulls and are the pinnacle of caribou, heavy mass and long tines are an embracing sight. The dark chocolate coats with long mains make for a unreal shoulder mount also,  in NWT the use of helicopter to access certain areas are the means of transportation and in the YUKON the use of horses or side x sides will be used,  

Not many people will ever walk away from a big old mountain caribou bull once they see one, The mountain caribou is one hunt a person should do in his lifetime.

Woodland Caribou Hunts - Newfoundland

Woodland Caribou Hunts

Newfoundland holds the only place in the world to hunt Woodland Caribou.

We work with two of the very best outfitters in the business and are proud to say we are 100% on our Woodland Caribou hunts to date.

You will have a full 6 days to hunt once you land in ST JOHNS Newfoundland, you will be picked up and  you will be taken to the Float plane base at Thorburn lake or Sam's pond, this will be decided on where our outfitters are seeing the biggest bulls and most caribou.

 This hunt is a great combo with moose and bear also, Newfoundland has a huge density of Moose and Bear so add on another animal on your hunt while your there.

Read More on Woodland Caribou Hunts

Elk Hunts

Elk Hunts


The Rocky Mountain elk is the most popular of the 3 Elk  and get the most attention of the specie for sure,

British Columbia and Alberta are guarantee tags no drawing is necessary.

The elk are always in the backcountry, so the use of horses and outfitting tents are necessary on this hunt. This hunt is great for archery hunters who love the up and close in your face hunt, Bulls are located by bugling then called to within range by cow calls, a good bull for our areas is 300-350 range which is a good 5x5 or 6x6.  You will hunt the elk in September-November on these hunts.

Tule Elk Hunts - California

Tule Elk Hunts - California

California is the only place in the world the Tule Elk live.

Tags for the Tule elk are extremely hard to obtain and we are super happy to be working with one of the best outfitters there is for Tule Elk. We have assisted in installing many watering systems and have a great hunt able population of Tule elk.

The Tule elk is considered by Boone and Crocket as  the smallest scoring specie of elk so a minimum of 270 points is record  book, we try to maintain this level and well above it for the past 5 years. The elk are rutting heavy in late July into august and is the best time to hunt the bulls,

These hunts are all on private land so everyday will consist of a full day of bugling bulls and excitement, the tags are extremely limited so call us for more information and availability on this hunt.

Roosevelt Elk

Gary Roosevelt Elk

Roosevelt Elk Hunts - Oregon

Roosevelt elk are the largest of the specie of elk and are found in British Columbia and Oregon.

Our hunts in Oregon are a fraction of the cost of the British Columbia hunts and are just as good just not as big of bulls in Oregon, We have had very good success in Oregon with our hunters for Roosevelt elk and work with the very best outfitters Oregon has to offer.

Hunting for these bulls will be in November and will be on private leases and in huge cut blocks where the herds of elk will be feeding. A good 5x5 bull will always be harvested once located and usually score around that 260-290 range.

We have around 3-4 hunts available every year for the Roosevelt elk and for anyone chasing the super slam or slam quest pinnacle will need the Roosevelt elk so give us a call at 1-780-621-7989 and we will assist you from start to finish with  very best outfitters for the elk.

Alberta Fly In Moose

2019 Moose

Canada Moose Hunts - Alberta

Moose hunting takes place during the rut in remote areas of northern Alberta Canada.

To begin your moose hunting trip, we will take you to the most pristine wilderness 6 hours north of Edmonton to Fort McMurray.

We will use zodiacs or jet boats and head up selected rivers or lakes.

We will be calling and grunting Big bulls in and accessing them using the boats.

On Alberta Moose hunts You can expect to shoot moose in the range of 40-55 inch range with the choice to add black bear as well 

View More on our Alberta Moose Hunts

Alaska/Yukon Moose Hunts - NWT & Yukon

Alaska/Yukon Moose Hunts - NWT & Yukon

ALASKAN/YUKON MOOSE 1-780-621-7989 

There is no other animal in the world that can leave you in a state of awe as when you walk up to an Alaska/Yukon moose and see the shear size of the animal, being the largest of the 3-moose specie's and the most remote by far, these bulls can grow to be 1400 pounds and be the size of a small car.

The use of horses Argo or side x side or helicopter is our main means of transportation on these September bull moose hunts, there is a strong population of moose in NWT and Yukon.

We have contracts with 5 of the best outfitters in the business for the Yukon Moose so you are sure to have an opportunity at a great bull and a adventure of a lifetime.

The Alaskan/Yukon moose is always a hunt that every one talks about as you can easily call these bulls into archery range and ranked #1 of the most exciting close up hunts, Make no mistake just like everyone says the work starts once the animal is down and that is never so true as with the Alaskan/Yukon moose, be prepared to drink a lot of coffee and allow 2 days for your guide to properly cape and quarter and haul your moose back to camp to be flown out, or if you book the NWT hunt the use of the chopper will be available and is a lot less work.

 This hunt is definitely a must  in my books as you will never regret booking a hunt for these Huge Bulls 

Cougar Hunts

Jason Cougar

Cougar/Mountain Lion Hunts - Alberta


Our cougar outfitters operate here in Alberta where most of the highest Boone and crocket cougars have come from, this stealthy animal is a true killing machine of elk, deer and moose and must be hunted to the full quota every year to maintain its population,  Alberta has the highest density of cougars anywhere in the world and that is why our cougar hunting is so good.

These hunts are usually in January or February when we have a good amount of snow and the dogs can cut a track and begin the chase. The dogs are highly trained and very efficient once the tracks are found, the hounds men will release the dogs and the chase is on, once these true giant cougars are treed the dogs will bay it until the hunter catches up.

Many times, the cougar will jump the tree and the chase is on again, it’s an unreal adventure with a pile of excitement, and many hunters are in simple awe once their cougar is harvested as to how big the cats truly are, cats can grow to 15 inches plus on the skull and be in the 180-pound range at there peak.

We use trucks and ski-doo on these hunts as a sometimes it takes many miles of searching to cut a track.

Muskox Hunts - Nunavut

Muskox Hunts - Nunavut

Muskox have been around since the ice age and are one of the few animals that survive all winter in the artic in herds.

Our Outfitters have hunts in different areas all over the arctic as the 3 outfitters we work with virtually have 100% success on these hunts.

We use  komatiks for riding in behind snowmobiles is the best way to access these areas to find the big herds, although we highly recommend on these hunts that you rent your own ski doo and have a front row view of all the action.

 Muskox hunts can reach temperatures well below zero degrees Celsius so good gear is a must.

 Harvesting a true muskox bull is breathtaking and the meat is considered some of the best in the world, other animals like wolf and central barren ground caribou Wolverine can also be harvested on these hunts also.

Buffalo/Bison Hunts

Steve Huge Buffalo

Buffalo/Bison Hunts

BUFFALO HUNTING 1-780-621-7989 or email pat_470@hotmail.com

Hunting for Buffalo has been going on for hundreds of years and is one of the biggest  North American animals there is.

 There is very few places you can hunt a free range Buffalo, having guided and harvested these buffalo I know myself what kind of challenge it is to actually harvest one of the massive bulls, They live in mountainous areas and are hunted by glassing and finding the herds or big bulls.

Your hunt will be 100% fair chase and free range in  heavy timbered areas or plains,  we will hunt all day starting around 600 am.

 The buffalo have been hunted since mankind and don’t kid yourself there a very smart animal and always on the lookout, once one bull or cow spooks the rest of the herd is shortly behind, harvesting a true giant old bull is extremely rewarding as not many people get to cherish that moment,

 Opportunities at openings are extremely limited so please call us to get on this adventure of a lifetime.

Brown Bear Hunts - Alaska

Brown Bear

Brown Bear Hunts - Alaska

BROWN BEAR HUNTS 1-780-621-7989 or email pat_470@hotmail.com

Alaska is one of the most beautiful places in the world and definitely one of the most remote places to hunt a huge Brown Bear.

Brown bears are thriving in Alaska and have a huge population of huge boars, There’s many ways you can hunt the bears in Alaska , one is the typical airplane ride deep into certain areas be dropped off and spot and stalk the massive bears,

This sometimes can be a very physical hunt and can test ones Stamina to the max, but the rewards are unmatched once you harvest your Bear.

Weather is a huge factor in Alaska and can dampen your mood very quick, if your having a rainy day wait 5 minutes the whether will change.  Most hunts in these areas are done out of bigger style tents but are portable and moveable which is a must for moving camps.

The second option for brown bear is a much easier and nicer way to hunt the brown bear but has a different aspect of hunting, You will board one of our big boats and head out into the chosen spots where you will anchor, set your crab and shrimp pots and enjoy a gorgeous setting every day, At 4 o’clock you will board your 16 foot  boat and cruise the shorelines in search of feeding Bears.

Both hunts are extremely successful just a different way of hunting.

The hunts are booked for 10 days and spring or fall hunts are available.

Alberta Black Bear

Nick Black Bear

Black Bear Hunts - Alberta

Black bear is probably one of the most abundant animal alive to be hunted, they are found in almost every state and province.

  We work with the best outfitters for black bear and here in Alberta you will be given 2 tags for Trophy boars, this baited hunt is perfect for all ages and family hunts, guarantee to see bears for sure and the opportunity to harvest a true giant black or color phased bear is high.

Usually on your 7 day hunt your hunt will begin in afternoon around 4 and hunt till dark, bears are in and around the bait sites all day long, be patient and wait for the right bear for you.

Late May and June is when the bears begin to rut so this is a great time to book your hunt, Contact us for your next black bear hunting trip and we will for sure hook you up with the best in the business here in Alberta.

Polar Bear Hunts - Nunavut

Polar Bear Hunts - Nunavut


The polar bear, is one of the greatest adventures and hunts available to hunters in the high arctic.

Eskimo communities and elders are issued a certain amount of tags and are responsible to running these hunts. Once you arrive at your certain destination of Grise Fiord you will be greeted by our expediter which will prepare any last-minute things we need for the hunt.

The polar bears are scattered across the Arctic coast region of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.  You hunt with highly skilled Inuit (Eskimo) guides.

Grise Fiord is where our hunts will take place, these hunts as of today have been 100% success and have a great population of polar bears.

12 day hunt you will be guaranteed to have the time of your life, enjoy every minute of it as usually you only harvest one polar bear in your lifetime.  

You will utilize snowmobiles and dog sleds for transportation on this hunt and once a Huge mature Boar is spotted that’s when the true adrenaline kicks in and the stalk will start. These hunts are limited and sometimes priced as high as a trophy sheep hunt, so this gives you an idea of the type of once in a lifetime adventure it is, we highly recommend people to not miss out on this opportunity to not only see the north but hunt it also.

Polar bears now cannot be imported to the united states, but many people are having them taxidermies and left in Canada until President Trump makes the bears importable.