Garrett bros outfitting was established in 2005 and over the last 20 years we have outfitted more than 1500 clients all over the world.
Mike 2019 Desert Sheep
Pat Garrett and his daughter Shelby Garrett are the sole owners of Garrett Bros Outfitting and Consulting.
Hunting is a passion. The minute I turned 18 I took my first job in northern British Columbia guiding for elk, moose, caribou and grizzly bears, I have never looked back since and have been guiding all over the world.
I have guided almost 100 rams in my career and have booked over 1500 clients as of 2025 through Garrett brothers outfitting and consulting. There is no slowing down in the future years to come with clients booked in every continent of the world.
Pat and Shelby spend the majority of the year preparing their own bighorn area and breaking horses for the next season of hunters. The rest of the time is spent booking hunts for 39 different outfitters all over the world as part of the consulting side of the business.
In 2011 Pat finished the super slam of North America successfully harvesting all 29 animals in north America, at the time making him the youngest person in the world to ever do so and It didn’t end there, Pat went on to complete the Ovis World Slam of Sheep (12 different species of sheep) in 2015, then went on to complete the Capra World Slam of Goats (12 different species of goats) in 2017 and in 2018 Pat was awarded the Slam Quest Pinnacle Award making him only one of 69 people to ever do so. Pats personally hunted many other countries also such as Africa, Argentina, New Zealand, Spain Russia, Mexico.
Once the world hunting pinnacle was completed Pat decided to team up with basically all the outfitters he hunted with and began the consulting side of the business in 2014, specializing in the north American super slam for all animals including all the mountain sheep, goat’s, and animals around the world.
Garrett Bros has had huge success in being 100% in Spain, Mexico, and New Zealand, sending many hunters on once in a lifetime expeditions and adventures.
You can be sure everything is taken care of with Garrett Bros. We got into the outfitting and consulting business after many years of guiding for other outfitters and seeing how we could better the industry and step it up a notch to make your hunting experience better. We will make sure to make your hunt with us enjoyable and memorable. Our number one goal is for you to be able to relax, have fun and take a great animal.