Pat and His daughter Shelby would love to welcome you and your family to Garrett Bros Outfitting!
We provide friends and clients to worldwide adventures from one end of the globe to the other. starting in Alberta with our privately owned bighorn sheep permits, whitetail deer and mule deer hunts.
We take great pride in organizing from start to finish your adventure around the world whether it be
Spain for the majestic Ibex,
New Zealand for a world class stag,
Africa for a memory of a lifetime
Mexico for the prestigious desert sheep.
Or any other Hunt you have dreamed of, Having 15 years experience in consulting worldwide we know what it takes to make the perfect hunt and experience for you and your family.
If it's a trophy Bighorn sheep or an Alberta Whitetail -Mule deer hunt you are after come and hunt with us here at Garrett Bros and you will not go home disappointed. We realize that your hunt is not only about taking the animal of a lifetime but to feel welcome, have fun, stay in comfortable clean accommodations and eat well. None of us would expect anything less on an outfitted hunt.
If you're looking to book an adventure of a lifetime please call Pat at 780-621-7989 or email at
If you're looking to go on a hunt of a life time whether it be, North America, New Zealand, Spain and Mexico, Mongolia, Russia, or Africa give us a call at 780-621-7989 or email at
The following video footage from Pat Garrett's successful completion of the most grueling and challenging hunting quest in the world... the Grand Slam, the Super Slam of North America, the Ovis World Slam of Sheep, the Capra World Slam of Slam of Goats, the Triple Slam and the Slam Quest Pinnacle.
Utilizing his extensive knowledge and experience, Pat now helps others through Garret Brothers Outfitting and Consulting to reach their personal hunting goals and dreams, some which are also featured in this video.